My retiree dividend income investing blog. I enjoy following and investing in dividend stocks, selling covered calls, and selling cash-secured puts on stocks I would like to own. 33+ years investing experience. Currently a student at Options Animal, learning more about advanced option trading, spread trades, and how to adjust my trades.

I am not an affiliate, nor do I receive any compenstion from Seeking Alpha or Options Animal. I am a subscriber, student, customer, and a big fan of both sites.

This my personal blog about my dividend and income investment journey. I am not a financial advisor nor a broker. The trades are my own and not intended to be investment advice. I am simply an income investor with over 33 years of trading experience, and I’m sharing my trades for entertainment and education purposes. Please do all your own due diligence or consult with a financial advisor.

I may get a small amount of affiliate income from items shown on our Support Us Page.
